1st day hair:
This was the result of a 3-strand twist out that was supposed to result in ringlets. I didn't get ringlets and I'm not sure if it was my product choice, application or twisting technique, but I still loved the results. I pineappled* my hair that night and got this the next morning:
2nd day hair:
Look at that stretch! It's starting to loose definition now, but I was happy. I pineappled again this night and the next and got this:
4th day hair:
More stretch, but very little definition left. It's fuller and softer than the 1st day look though. It'll be re-twisted tonight, but there's no telling what it'll look like tomorrow.
*Pineappleing: Pulling all the hair gently to the top of the head and securing with a scarf, scuncii or hair tie before going to bed for the night. This stretches the hair and somewhat preserves curl/definition.