Every season we make changes to our diets and our wardrobes. Of course, we should also be making changes to our natural hair regimens.
Like most people that love WNGs, I kiss them goodbye almost as soon as it starts to get too cold to leave the house with a wet head. That means I have to start thinking ahead and planning styles. That also means that in addition to protecting my hair from the cold dry air, I also have to protect it from the extra manipulation of non-WNG styling. Here's what I'm changing...
1. Increase my deep conditioning from every two weeks to every week (unless I can make a protective style last longer than a week).
2. More protective styles. I've gotten a lot better at flat-twists so I'll be experimenting with a lot more flat-twist styles this fall/winter.
3. Using styling products that are more oil based than water based to lock moisture in better and longer. This means less Shea Moisture Smoothie and more Shea Moisture JBCO Styling Lotion.
What changes will you be making this fall?