Thursday, September 5, 2013

Procrastination and Perfection

I let my first anniversary with natural hair pass by without a blog post.  It was July 23rd.  I had this whole Natural Hair Journey slide show I was gonna do...but I kept putting it off.  Then the day was upon me and it wasn't done...or wasn't done perfectly.

If you know me, then you know these two themes dominate my life.  So much doesn't get done because I put things off until they can be done perfectly, and if I can't do it perfectly I won't do it at all.  One of the lessons I've learned this past year is that "perfect" is a limiting qualification.  It doesn't allow for error, creativity or collaboration.  Sometimes something imperfect is still right.  And sometimes submitting a rough draft gives you the opportunity to get ideas from others.  Obviously I've learned this lesson somewhat imperfectly, but I'm a person in progress....still learning, still growing.

So here's my imperfect hair journey slide music...just me!

Big Chop July 23, 2012 (TWA)
October 2012 (Afro)

December 2012 (Fro-hawk)
March 2013 (Braid-out)
July 2013 (Wash 'n go)
Today (Braid-out)